Sunday, 8 September 2013

LeSportsac merriment wallet

Can’t resist when I saw this wallet in LeSportsac shop in Plaza Indonesia recently. So I just grabbed and bought it. I really love this merriment print. I think it’s just lovely.. the colour, the flower, the theme.. oh and it’s called lilywallet for that portefeuille shape. I actually prefer claire wallet, which is smaller, but they don’t have it in merriment print. Pfftt.. not in that shop or I’m not lucky enough to have it.

The first picture above is just about front look, a first impression.. there’s actually a sleeve / pocket behind the LeSportsac line; while the other two pictures below are the interior of this lilywallet. Lots of pockets, but not too many. I have a seperate card holder anyway. I think it’s good to limit the cards I have to store inside, so it won’t be too bulky and heavy. It’s great to have the wallet slim and sleek. However, I even managed to store my mobile phone (samsung galaxy chat) inside this wallet hahaha :D