Friday, 18 October 2013


For me, moleskine is one of the great things ever happened in the world of stationery. I really love the smooth acid-free paper, the yellowish color of the paper, the pocket size with elastic strap, and how it triggers us to personalize the notebook the way we want. I kinda hacked the cover with mini cute stickers and my name on the side. It's 18-month weekly notebook (july 2013 - december 2014). This hard cover version has separate thin address book attached on the back pocket. The layout on the inside has weekly appointment on the left side and ruled page on the right side. I can note down the appointments, teaching schedule, and invitations etc on weekly section. On the ruled section, I can write down ideas, plans, somekinda tweets, recipes, drawings, wishlist, feelings, mood.. just everythiiing in life. 

Now it's gonna be the end of the page soon, so I gotta prepare to replace it with the new one. But I can't find the 18-month started from january. Why they have this kinda 18-month thingy if there will be 6 months on the next year missing without a moleskine? They should make a 6-monthly or another 18-monthly which begin from january. Otherwise, just make a simple 12-month one. 

Tuesday, 15 October 2013

ballpoint pen dupont

See how lovely this pen? I'm not quite fond of gold ornaments, but this gold barrel has stripes and enhance the clip adorned with gems. I am not sure whether they're precious stones or not.. but I think the clip is beautiful and looks sumptuous .

I enherited this ST Dupont pen from my dad last year. He had this pen for quite some time and he offered it to me. I promised to take good care of this nice pen as I remember how he used to take it everyday during his working days. So.. I better check thouroughly and clean the barrel. Need to search on the internet about this and I'll share how to look after a special pen like this.

Saturday, 12 October 2013

stylo plume mont blanc

This is a Mont Blanc Meisterstück fountain pen - Hommage à Frédéric Chopin. Got this pen as a christmas present in 2003 from a dear friend. I don't remember where's the box (with a CD of Chopin included) and the certificate. I was also devastated when I accidentally dropped the pen in 2007 and cracked the cap. Oh well, life goes on.. Still hate myself because of that. I actually really like the way it looks.. the jet black barrel, the glossy finishing, the gold plated clip, very chic and prestigious. You can see the tip of the pen is also beautifully crafted. Say no more.

healthy lunchbox

These days, recession is everywhere. I also have to tighten my spending on foods, especially for breakfast and lunch. Also a gently reminder to eat healthier and in reasonable portion ;) So, I've been googling around for lunchbox ideas and stumbled in this article from BBC about "What's in a healthy lunchbox". Although it's for school kids, but at least this is a good thing to know of what to pack. 

Pada dasarnya, makanan sehat yang semestinya dibawa untuk bekal makan siang terdiri dari :
  • Protein (daging, ikan, kacang-kacangan)
  • Karbohidrat berserat (nasi, roti dari gandum utuh) untuk energi
  • Sayuran dan buah (berupa salad atau utuh)
  • Air minum (boleh juga susu, jus buah, yogurt cair atau smoothies)
Sedangkan makanan / minuman yang sebaiknya dihindari adalah :
  • Permen dan cokelat
  • Cemilan (keripik kentang, keripik buah yang asin/manis)
  • Minuman bersoda atau kadar gula tinggi
  • Gorengan dan daging yang telah diproses (sosis, daging asap)
Sering kali, kita kehabisan ide untuk bekal makan siang. Di artikel tersebut, ada file pdf packed lunch menu untuk menu lunchbox selama 3 minggu, lengkap dengan beberapa resep makanannya. Jadi mulai sekarang, mari berusaha hidup lebih hemat dan sehat dengan membawa bekal makan siang setiap hari.

Packed lunch menu and Photo source :

post-it page marker

Post-it from 3M is the leader in sticky notes. Nowadays, there are so many varieties of post-it notes. Post-it juga nggak hanya punya sticky notes standar dengan warna warni dan bentuk yang bermacam-macam. Beberapa varian lain antara lain ada sticky memopad bergaris buat catatan yang lebih banyak (misalnya buat catetan belanja atau isi kulkas), ada flags (terbuat dari bahan film tipis) buat penanda halaman buku, ataupun page marker seperti yang dapat dilihat berikut ini.

very neat and include all the infos
easy to fold, easy to open, easy to slip into pocket
Post-it Page Marker to be hang on shelf in store

Kalo dari kemasannya, ini adalah salah satu contoh bentuk kemasan yang beneran memikirkan gimana saat produk ini dipajang di toko dan portability-nya (bagaimana kemudahannya saat dibawa kemana-mana). Bentuknya compact, seukuran telapak tangan, dan ada kemasan karton yang jadi semacam jaket buat page marker ini.. jadinya rapih, nggak bertebaran kemana2 dan nggak kuatir sudutnya jadi kotor atau melengkung. 

Dari sisi produknya, Page Marker ini pas buat penanda halaman dan bahannya dari kertas (bukan seperti flags) sehingga lebih mudah untuk ditulisi dengan bolpen maupun pensil. Demikian juga kalo pakai tinta fountain pen pun nggak masalah. Kalo soal warna, sebenernya yang warna ungu hanya sesuai buat penanda halaman aja. Kalo ditulisi, jadinya nggak terlalu kelihatan tulisannya. Sebaiknya sih warnanya lebih terang, ungu yang mauve gitu dan warna yang pink bisa lebih ke warna pastel. This is just my personal opinion.. Isi keseluruhannya ada 250 lembar (masing-masing warna ada 50 lembar) jadi nggak terlalu tebal. Bisa dikantongin, masih muat buat masuk tempat pensil, bisa juga diselipin di binder note. 

I'm always a huge fan of 3M Post-it notes.. love the smell when I open the package, love every detail of its look and package design, appreciate its durability and sticking few sheets onto my moleskine for a quick note. As for me, this is a must-have product for this semester hehehehe...