Saturday, 28 June 2014

no brainer biryani rice

Here's the story. That night I was sooo hungry that I decided to have nasi padang for dinner. A set of nasi padang (rice + meat or chicken + cooked cassava leaves + curry gravy) would be overwhelming when we buy for take out. The rice is always double portion when we buy for take out. The result is either we eat too much or there are plenty of rice left untouched.

So that night I ate only half portion (from double portion, which means one) then I stored the leftover on the rice cooker. Press "warm" to avoid the rice for becoming spoiled.

In the morning, open the rice cooker. The rice of nasi padang usually the long grain ones, and mostly stained by the gravy of curry when packaged.. makes it perfect for flavourful rice such as biryani or rice pilaf. Just add some margarine (couples of spoon should be enough) and raisins. Mix them well on the pot.. and ready to serve or put on the lunchbox. 

If ever you want to make rice pilaf but can't find any padang restaurant around (for having gravy), I believe you still can make it using this simple steps.

Let say you already have the rice in your rice cooker and have the machine set to "warm". Add some margarine, raisins, and curry powder. If you have stock cubes or powder, you may add it as well to enrich the flavour. Mix them well, and they're ready in a minute.