Sunday, 23 August 2015


Oleh-oleh hasil pelatihan minggu lalu nggak cuma dapet ilmu rancangan pemelajaran plus bonus flashdisk 16gb aja. Tapi juga dapet temen baru, info pesen barang2 murmer, sharing bikin blog & cerita2 lucu, ide tempat flashdisk (see previous post) dan upaya fokus kerja. I learned about pomodoro technique after I saw pak Akhmad from Industrial Engineering dept worked in 25 minutes chunks. Beberapa temen ada yang bilang, mereka prefer kerja berdasarkan mood. Kalo mood-nya lagi pengen kerja, they can work for hours. Tapi kalo lagi nggak pengen kerja, ya nggak bisa dipaksain. Well, okay.. maybe this thing isn't for everybody.. but it might be suitable for routine task, project and especially deadlines related job. Kalo nungguin mood, padahal udah deadline banget gimanaaa? Para mahasiswa yang ngerjain tugas makalah atau belajar buat ujian besok, bisa coba teknik pomodoro ini. So I tried it out. Beberapa hari yang lalu, udah deadline banget deh satu kerjaan. Awalnya sih, banyak rada2 bingung nggak jelas, maksain kerja disaat otak masih macet. Tapi setelah itu, lumayan asik juga. Akhirnya gue merasa ada energi dan dorongan untuk kerja. Entah apakah ini beginner's luck, euphoria, atau emang beneran begitu.

Dari hasil googling di internet, teknik pomodoro adalah manajemen waktu yang dikembangkan oleh Francesco Cirillo. Kata pomodoro dalam bahasa Itali berarti tomat. Sepertinya, istilah itu merujuk pada kitchen timer yang berbentuk buah tomat. Teknik ini membagi waktu bekerja dalam porsi tertentu. Default pembagiannya, setiap 25 menit bekerja, beristirahat 5 menit. Begitu terus sampai 4x, lalu dapat istirahat lebih panjang. Ini sesuai dengan infographic Work Smarter, Not Harder di artikel Lifehack yang ditulis Anthony Dejolde.

Supaya disiplin dalam pembagian waktu itu, kita perlu kitchen timer (pomodoro). Hari gini, kalo mau praktis, bisa install aplikasi di smartphone. Biar tuh smartphone ada guna dikit. Di play store Android, ada beberapa apps yang bisa dipilih. For me, I installed the simplest pomodoro. Jadi, ayo deh, kerja lagi. Semangaat !

PS. For more explanation about pomodoro technique, there's a reference link in wikipedia which I think quite good for further reading. It's a paper of Francesco Cirillo about his famous pomodoro technique.

Friday, 14 August 2015

flashdisk box

I was on a teachers' training for this whole week. What I meant teachers here are lecturers / professors of the university. I met some nice fellow lecturers from other disciplines and faculties. Actually, I was very lucky to be in a group full of happy, cheerful people. Lots of serious discussion, of course.. but lots of laughters too. 

Anyway, two of them have tin box full of flashdisks (USB flashdrives). I was amaaazed to see how they neatly store their flashdisk. I usually just have 2-3 with me everyday, and I dump them on my pencil case. On the picture, the box on the left belongs to mbak Titin. Most of those flashdisks have keychains to identify them. The box on the right belongs to mbak Delly. Her flashdisks are neatly organized.

Oohh.. now I have to get a sturdy case like what they have. Yes, I want one. Yes, a tin case will be nice. Yes, I want my flashdisks to be well kept. Thank you for this superb idea, mbak Delly and mbak Titin.

Sunday, 9 August 2015

stationery sorting

I spend my weekend sorting my stationery. I bought some plastic storage containers few weeks ago, so this is how it went. On the left, is a bin for washi tapes, deco rush and embossing tapes (dymo). On the right, is the one for stamps thingy.. rubber stamps, clear polymer stamps, stamp pads, and inks. Not shown here, are bins for daily stationery (pens, pencils, erasers, scissors, colourings, etc.), paper  based (notepads, loose leafs, sticky notes, stickers) and lunch box related (lunch box, sections, portable cutlery, etc.). Gosh.. those are lots of things there. I mean, A LOT !! I think I need to stop for a while. Let say, no spend for August? Let's see...