I overspent my budget this month. Not a good thing to do, but I need to have these things. I mean, I have my reason. Listen, all of these things have one thing in common. They're in fuchia-pink-purple color scheme! Well, not good enough for a reason. Okay, I need to replace my tote bag because the handle of my old one has torn apart. Besides, I like this flippy floppy tote and its price is quite reasonable, Rp.159.000,-
Then, there's this moleskine. Of course I have to buy this planner sooner or later. It's for 2016. Though it was quite expensive, it was hard to resist the color, which I never found for the past few years here. So, I had to let go Rp.220.000,- for it.
The rest of my acquisitions are key clip and cable/cord wrap. They're not so expensive, around Rp.40.000,- each. If you're wondering where I bought those stuff, you can find it in Kinokuniya Plaza Senayan. Apart from the tote bag which only left one in orange, the other stuff are still available in stock.