Thursday, 30 July 2015

washi now or later

《screen shot website panmomo

Baru juga berapa hari muncul, tau2 udah pada abis aja gitu, washi tapes yang bagus2 di panmomo? Gosh.. Perhaps I should be quicker to get those things. Musti cepet bertindak, beli sekarang atau risikonya nggak kebagian.

Emang sih, kemaren udah beli juga sebagian.. tapi belum semua yang lucu2 juga. Huuwwaaa... ya udahlahyaaaa.. mungkin belum beruntung. Lagian, belum semuanya dipake kaaaan? Masih banyak yang belum di-review juga.. hihihi...


pen organizer

This pen organizer is too cute to be missed out. It's bright pink, in the shape of oven stove. 

On top, there are hole for pen organizer (pen holder) and another shallow one for paper clips. You can also place some other desk tidbits on its drawer.

Well, there are lots of things  in my desk which can make me happy all day, and this should be one of them. What about you? Tell me about all the cute things in your office desk.

polkadot washi tape

I am clearing my desk in my office and I just realized that I have these polkadot washi tapes. Most of them are generic washi, so I'm not so fancy to discuss about their quality or some sort. Bought them through Panmomo site, reasonable price.. 

However, the one laid down (the green one) is the Scotch 3M. The Scotch washi tapes are available in major bookstores such as Gramedia and Toko Gunung Agung.

Monday, 27 July 2015

totoro pencil case

I just won the bid on ebay for this Totoro pencil case.
Yaaayy.. I really can't wait to have it !!
I didn't manage to visit Studio Ghibli in Japan.. so I didn't make it to get many Totoro stuff.
This pencil case is cute enough to make me happy.
See you soon..

back to school 2015

Lebaran udah selesai. Bentar lagi udah waktunya kembali ke sekolah atau kuliah kan? Setiap hari kalo lewat depan Gramed Margonda Depok, pengennya mampir. Apalagi pas lihat ada signage Back to School gede banget dan tas Jansport berjejer warna warni. Tapi takut tergoda untuk beli ini itu, padahal duit tiris. Takut tiba-tiba kalap dengan alasan back to school. Padahal kan yaaa...

Kalo mau tau stationery apa yang musti disiapin, bisa dibaca di postingan persiapan kuliah ya. Nah, selain persiapan alat tulis, materi akademik juga musti disiapin dong. Kebiasaan anak sekarang adalah males nyatet. Seolah-olah pen and paper udah primitif. Semua dicatet di laptop, tablet atau handphone. Ada juga yang ngerekam ceramah dosennya di handphone. Well, bad news for those who gonna take my class.. No laptop or tablet on the table. Semua musti catat pakai kertas dan bolpen / pensil. Tulisannya jelek? Belajar! Emangnya waktu SD sekip, nggak diajarin nulis? Sebenernya di setiap kuliah bakal dibagikan handout materi kuliah juga. Jadi, cukup yang penting-penting aja yang dicatat. Trus, semua jadwal (katanyaaa..) udah dicatet di henpon. Tapi, tetep aja ada yang salah jadwal pas presentasi. Hadddeeeeuhhh.. (-_-")

Udah deh, gini aja. Let me give you this printable weekly planner. Semua dicatet di planner itu. Satu semester kan biasanya "cuma" 16 minggu, jadi gampang keep track-nya. Kalo di-print bolak balik, paling cuma 4 lembar. Planner ini berguna untuk reminder sekelompok ama siapa di kelas apa, presentasi sama siapa, kapan jadi pembahas, kapan jadwal bimbingan, kapan kerja kelompok, deadline tugas, dan sebagainya. Oiya, weekly planner ini juga bisa dipakai oleh rekan-rekan dosen juga lho. Apalagi yang tipe pelupa macam saya ini. Kalau ada saran untuk variasi atau revisi bentuk plenner ini, ditunggu komentarnya yaaa... Terima kasih.

Sunday, 26 July 2015

panmomo again

Setelah sekian lama absen ngga belanja di panmomo, baru-baru ini akhirnya order lagi. Itupun abis ngecek kondisi dompet yang masih mengijinkan. Tau kaan.. pas banget menjelang masa krisis tanggung bulan, plus takut kalap hehehehe..

Seperti biasa, pelayanannya cepet. Tapi kali ini super cepet banget. Ibaratnya, kemarin pesen + bayar, hari ini barang udah nyampe. Mantep banget. These are what I bought.

Sticky note ini berbentuk induk hewan dan anaknya. Soooo cuuute.. Pilihannya ada gambar singa, beruang kutub, pinguin dan koala. Harga satuannya sekitar Rp 7 ribu.. Nggak mahal lah untuk benda lucu macam ini. Nah, kalo beli sekaligus 1 set isi 4 macem itu, harganya jadi Rp 24 ribu (hemat Rp. 4 ribu). Aaaahhh.. kebetulan banget. Emang nggak bisa milih mau beli yang mana, semua lucu.. Yaudah deh beli semuanya aja hihihi...

Panmomo lagi banyak sticker lucu. Huhuhuu... bingung deh milihnya. Si Momoi yang lucunya kebangetan itu juga masih ada. Kalo diturutin, pasti pengen beli lagi, beli lagi. Jadinya, beli sticker Molang versi 1 dan versi 2 aja, karena si hamster gendut bernama Molang itu emang susah ditolak hahaha.. Oh iya, sama sticker Bungirl, si cewek lucu berkonde cepol yang lucu juga tampangnya. Pas buat diary yang isinya rada-rada romantis tapi konyol. Berhubung harga satuannya Rp 20 ribu, jadi ya udah dong yaaaa.. cukup 3 macem ini aja.

Notepad Scheduler
Benda berikutnya yang dibeli adalah 1 set square notepad (isi 3 macem) dan 1 daily notepad. Notepad berbentuk bujur sangkar seukuran (gede dikit dari) telapak tangan ini, ada yang untuk mencatat jadwal/rencana bulanan, mingguan, dan checklist sederhana. Harga satuannya Rp 10 ribu, tapi kalo beli 1 set, jadi Rp 25 ribu (hemat Rp 5 ribu). 

Notepad yang bulanan sebenernya agak aneh menurut saya.. garis-garis tebal dan terputusnya terbalik penempatannya. Nggak tau apakah semua cetakannya seperti itu atau saya aja yang pas dapetnya begitu. Anyway, I still can do something about it. Sebungkus notepad itu berisi 60 lembar.. lumayan deh, bisa buat 5 tahun, atau dibagi-bagi ke temen-temen.

Notepad yang weekly plan, bisa dipakai untuk nyatet jadwal sekolah/kuliah, reminder ada PR atau tugas apa aja. Bisa juga buat meal planer untuk ngerencanain menu makan seminggu, trus dibawa di dompet waktu belanja ke pasar. Jadi kan bisa sekaligus inget mau belanja bahan makanan apa aja. 

Kalo yang checklist sih, nggak usah dibahas 'kali. Kolomnya ada tanggal, deskripsi / content dan buat checking kalo udah selesai dikerjakan. Pas juga buat nyatet daftar belanjaan, daftar kerjaan, dll. 

Last but not least, adalah daily scheduler notepad. Berguna banget buat catatan pas lagi sibuk banget di sekolah atau di tempat kerja. Bagian bawahnya ada kolom kosong yang cukupan buat catetan rapat. Harganya Rp 16 ribu. Masih reasonable lah.

Masalahnya adalah.. barusan iseng lihat website panmomo lagi, daaaaannn... ada banyak washi tape baru. Nooooo... what am I supposed to do now? Huwaaaaa....

Saturday, 11 July 2015

sakura gel

Few months ago, I bought some gel pens of Sakura. I would actually bought the ordinary gel pens.. but I was in a hurry that I didn't realize some of them were different type. Each type has its own uniqueness. Click on the link as follows for more infos. From the top, it's SoufflĂ© gel pen, Gelly Roll Metallic and the rest are Gelly Roll Silver Shadow

Monday, 6 July 2015

Pilot ballpoint pen

Another classic Pilot ballpoint pen. In my days of junior high school, I have exactly the same pen, the green one. I'm not sure if they still continue to sell this. For sure it's getting more and more difficult to find. 

uni-ball style-fit monster university

These days, it's really hard for me to show my loyalty to only one type / brand of pen. I have to say, each of them have at least one interesting fact to share. This time, it's Uni-ball.

Here's the story. When I ordered the Japanese version of hobonichi techo 2015, they sent the agenda along with a silicone tissue holder and a multi-color pen as bonus. At first I thought it's just an ordinary pen. I was wrong. The pen is amazing.. the ink flows so smoothly, feels so light, and you'll have effortless writing experience. I was wondering, what the brand of this multi-pen anyway... So, after looking for a clue, I found the word "uni" on the barrel. I rushed into a bookstore to check if they have the same thing. And yes, so bought a Uni-ball Jetstream multipen. And this multipen has mechanical pencil as well. Superbe.

Well yeah, it was a great pen. No doubt about it. But they also have customized option. You can choose the body and what ink you want to have with. That what they call Style-Fit. So this time, I bought a limited edition of Monster University set. The body is soooo cute and pink. Then I choose 3 unsual colours to go along with. You can have any composition you like. Gel ink, normal ink, mechanical pencil.. any jetstream refill available. The setting-up is also very easy as you can see on the picture.
(1) Twist the pipe of the refill and pull aside.
(2) Take the pen refill out of the pipe.
(3) Insert the refill into the body of the pen until it clicks.

Don't throw away the pipe of pen refill yet. When you don't use one colour much often or you just want to switch one of the colour, just swap it, and you can securely put the other remaining refill into its pipe. This way, you can have as many combination you like and you don't have to wait until one colour run out to change it. Nice.

Saturday, 4 July 2015


Hi there,

Am deeply sorry for this long pause. Haven't got time to update this blog for the past few months. La honte.. what a shame. However, I acquired many MANY things related to stationery, school stuff, cool stores and lunch box thingy. My friends are now aware about my interest in stationery as well. So, from time to time, they offered me some nice little things too. Oh, and I just got back from a short visit to Japan, where I got crazy with all of the stationery. Well, I actually have lots of story to tell and infos to share, huh?

Please bear with me guys.. I can see couple of weeks free ahead me. I will try to catch up with all of those things, ok. Thank you so much for visiting this blog. Comments are welcome. See ya..