Thursday 26 December 2013

berantakin tas

I always bring my whole life with me. Everyone knows that. Well at least most of my friends know about this. However, when I begin to suffer from back pain (or shoulder and neck pain), I try to go lighter.

As consequences for having all stuff together, I often loose things.. I forgot whether I took or left it somewhere.. and I felt awful about this. Basically, I keep all things, even old receipts and tickets which cause clutter.. and I tend to hoard. But I can't keep up with all of my things all the time, eh?

To avoid losing things -or forget some stuff or misplace some pieces, I emptied and repack my bag. I do this once or twice a week. I often do this at my parents' house, so my sis just had enough. One day she decided to sketch it.. which quite represent the moment.

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