Monday, 25 August 2014

filofax fusion A5 blue

Yippppeeeyyy !!!

Finally I've got a filofax. The blue Fusion A5. First one in my life, one of my wishlist for this year :D

Before I started this blog, I used to think that all planners are just the same.. and even some of them are overpriced. But then, I got dragged into this 'dangerous' world of stationery after I blogwalked for quite some time. I begin to find reasons for buying stationery. Besides, I never splurge my cash on fashion, jewelry or makeup.. soo.. why not stationery ?!

I took my chance when I saw this filofax on ebay. This is the right one for me. The colour (dark blue), the material (fabric, not fancy leather), the size (A5 has the most flexible inserts) and lots of pockets inside and outside the cover. It's in new condition and I bought it slightly cheaper than in its official site. Still, it's bloody super expensive for me.

Honestly, I wasn't really impressed with the inserts. They look dead simple with old fashioned font and layout. Perhaps that's why people hack the inserts to the max. Is there any people out there who replaced those inserts from the fist time  with customized one?

So far, I already have my hobonichi for my day-to-day diary, moleskine for schedule (appointments / meetings).. although a bit abandoned, and I intended to use the study planner for academic related stuff. What should I do with this filofax of my dream? I may use it for lecture notes. But on a second thought, I will use my old file note for campus thingy. The reason is, the 20 ring-hole A5 loose leaf doesn't fit the 6 rings of filofax. This is a bummer. I have to make cuts on the loose leaf to adjust the hole and the ring.

Anyway, I will use this fancy filofax. It would be my "magic book" to store household related thingy.. phone numbers, websites' username and password hints, addresses, household budget, family health records (allergies, medication, prescription, etc.), recipes, infos about food delivery services, etc. Well, a kakebo if I may say. For the inserts, I will make a customization of my own. Oh, and Bantex has A5 plastic pocket, which holes match the 6-ring planner. I will try to find if they have the zipper version or business card pockets. That would be perfect to store addresses.

I will share my filofax setting later. See ya around..

Thursday, 21 August 2014


School days will be soon begin. My friend Rita in France recently shared about name labels / stickers she just ordered for her son. She said the teacher asked every single objects (from lunchbox to jackets) must be labelled for easy identification in school. I personally agree, especially in kindergarten and early primary school. Well, not only in school.. At the office, ballpoint pen is the most perishable object, competing with stapler and scissors.

So, yes.. I also label my stationery and lunchbox. I used to order some mini stickers in toys store.. but after a while, they just disappear and I don't know where else to go. Fear no more. Rita told me about some websites where we can order various labels, namely LudiLabel, A-qui-S (in french) or Mine4Sure (in English) and C-MonEtiquette.

All of those sites offer free shipping for France and the rest of the world !! Yaaaayyy.. !! This site also have some packs for school, office, etc. So you don't have to calculate how many set of stickers you need for jacket, lunchbox, shoes, books, etc. Well, I guess I will order one or two packs for myself ;)

Monday, 18 August 2014

Aladdin Crave water bottle

This is Aladdin Crave water bottle. Like it cos it's purple. Like it cos it has a glass on top of it. 
Perfect size, 500 ml.. so it won't be too bulky nor too small.
The bottle is leak-proof even if it filled with soda / carbonated water.
I bought it in Ace Hardware, much lower price than one in Metro Dept Store.
This product is listed on the European Aladdin's Catalogue 2014 in pdf format,
but strangely not found on its website.

panmomo part deux

Libur lebaran kemarin, jadi keseringan browsing stationery. Ujung2nya, order belanja di Panmomo lagi deh. Soalnya, setelah dibandingin dengan beberapa toko online lainnya, Panmomo ini yang paling gampang cara pesennya (semua ada di website), gak perlu daftar2 bikin akun, bayarnya pun gampang (bank transfer) dan harganya kompetitif (alias lebih murah) dibanding toko lainnya.

Kali ini, barang2 yang saya beli adalah : 1 set sticker Pony Girl,  3 bookmark girly series, semester (half-year) study planner dan 2 Cookie Girl sticky notes. Total semuanya 100 ribuan udah termasuk ongkos kirim (via JNE).

Jadi, kalo ada teman atau kerabat yang ultah.. coba deh cari2 inspirasi kado di Panmomo. Eh, ada paket bundle (beberapa item barang sepaket) juga loh.. Harganya jadi lebih hemat dibanding beli satuan.

*this review is based on personal opinion and not paid by any kind of brand / company*

bibliothèque csis

Semua anak FISIP mustinya tau perpustakaan CSIS. At least pernah sekali dalam hidupnya datang ke perpustakaan ini. Saya beberapa kali ke tempat ini tahun 1998, gara-gara ambil mata kuliah perbandingan  politik yang ternyata bikin pusing.

I was so impressed with the library. Massive collection of quality books, cozy atmosphere, home-like surrounding, a mini garden overlooked from the reading room.. it's just perfect. I dream about having a reading room like that.

But it's all different now. The library is now located in a tall building called Pakarti Center. It feels very much like an office instead of home. The collection which can be accessed is very limited. They keep the vast collection for internal use only. 

Tapi tetep aja -sampe sekarang- pengen punya perpustakaan seperti CSIS jaman dulu itu.

Sunday, 17 August 2014

la rentrée..

New semester is coming up. C'est la rentrée !! Just like school kids, am also exciting for back to school moments. But as a lecturer, I gotta be ready with lesson plans, syllabus, books / references, academic counseling.. ouuff sounds heavy already.

Aside from those serious things, stationery is a fail-safe therapy for me. So be ready for some stationery related stuff I'm gonna share this semester. See ya around..

study planner

Beberapa bulan yang lalu, saya membeli study planner "hello coco" dari ebay. Saking bagusnya, langsung disimpen dan sayang dipakai.. buat dikoleksi aja. Padahal study planner mustinya berguna buat mencatat kegiatan akademik. Jadwal sekolah / kuliah, jadwal les / kursus, deadline pengumpulan tugas, step-by-step pengerjaan school project, logbook riset / penelitian, target nilai dalam satu semester, nilai ulangan / kuis / tugas / ujian, dll.

Baru-baru ini, saya kembali membeli study planner. Kali ini Semester Study Planner (untuk 6 bulan) versi China, merk Lenwa.. beli di Panmomo. Murmer dan kualitasnya lumayan bagus.. tapi banyak typo alias salah ketik. Misalnya "score graph" dicetaknya "scote graph".. pffftt.. Ditimpa washi tape aja 'kali ya.. Anyway, harganya 35ribu. Kalo yang ini, kayaknya bakal diuji-coba buat semester gasal besok. 

Study planner sebenernya pernah saya kenal waktu saya sekolah dulu dengan sebutan Agenda Sekolah. Tapi agenda sekolah jaman saya dulu bentuknya lebih sederhana.. mirip pocket diary yang isinya sekedar catatan jadwal pelajaran dan pengingat tugas atau ujian. Sedangkan study planner ini didesain untuk 1 semester alias 6 bulan. Pembabakan layout dibuat setiap bulan. Jadi, dalam 1 bulan ada monthly plan, weekly plan untuk 5 minggu berbentuk baris checklist, pie chart weekly plan, 32 kotak kecil untuk ringkasan weekly plan, dan 1 halaman ringkasan bulan.
Di bagian awal, ada halaman half yearly plan yang bisa dimanfaatkan sebagai timeline atau scheduling suatu project. Halaman selanjutnya adalah jadwal kegiatan (time table). Sayangnya cuma ada 1 halaman.. berarti jadwal kuliah / sekolah musti jadi satu dengan jadwal les, ekskul, dll. Ada bagusnya juga sih.. jadi bakal langsung tau kalo ada yang waktunya bentrok. Di halaman sebelahnya, ada 21 day habit project. Hnnggg.. ini maksudnya apa sih ?!! Well, nampaknya ini buat checklist perbuatan baik yang harus dilakukan. Kalo udah dilakukan selama 21 hari, maka akan jadi kebiasaan. Gitu 'kali... 

Di halaman selanjutnya ada 6 lingkaran untuk weekday plan. Masing-masing lingkaran terbagi 2 untuk am (00.01 sampai 12 siang) dan pm (12.01 sampai 24.00). Setiap lingkaran mewakili 1 hari penuh. Tapi mungkin karena ada 6, jadi setiap lingkarannya untuk masing-masing bulan?
Setelah itu, ada bagian self improvement seperti motto hidup, role model, cita2, rencana jangka pendek dan jangka panjang.
Bagian selanjutnya terbagi dalam 6 bulan. Masing-masing bulan, isi dan layoutnya sama.. seperti pada Momoi diary. Untuk layoutnya, planner ini memberi lebih banyak ruang untuk catatan harian. Jadi, detil tugas dan PR bisa dicatat sekalian. Bagian awal adalah monthly plan berbentuk tabel kolom kotak2 dalam 2 halaman. Selanjutnya adalah weekly plan dengan kolom bergaris sehingga bisa dipakai untuk checklist. Di akhir setiap bulannya, terdapat lembar ringkasan untuk capaian akademis.

Di bagian akhir agenda (setelah 6 bulan) ada bagian untuk mencatat jadwal ulangan / kuis / ujian. Ada juga score graph dan catatan seluruh nilai yang diperoleh. Dengan demikian, kita bisa terpacu untuk belajar lebih giat.

Menurut saya, agenda ini pas banget buat pelajar / mahasiswa yang ingin meningkatkan nilainya. Atau mereka yang ingin kehidupan akademisnya lebih terorganisir.

Saturday, 16 August 2014


My main reason to order from Bento&Co was the Kaoiro stamp. Kaoiro is a rolling stamp for face expression we use for texting. For example (-_-") or (>_<) and many possibilities we can make from different combination. Actually, we can also find the stamp on the official gung website.. but Bento&Co offers free shipping for order more than 50 USD. So I take this chance to buy some other stuff ;)

Apart from Kaoiro stamp, I also bought mini washi tapes (in lot of four), deco rush (in set of three), a yellow onigiri box and Totoro utensil set (chopsticks and spoon). All of them finally exceed 50 USD.. so the shipping cost was free.
The shipment was quick. It was just a couple of weeks to arrive safely in my place. Really can't wait to try the stamp. I'll review and share about it later when I have time. \(^_^)/

Thursday, 14 August 2014

back to school shopping

Some people might put a great deal to shop for dresses, other for make-up, or... school stuff !! It seems that Back-to-School shopping in United States is a major event. We can learn it from the infographic below, which I found from an article of Back-to-School shopping on MarketingProfs by Ayaz Nanji.

Photo source :

However, I didn't see any stationery (you know, notebooks, pen, pencil and the like) on the top list. For me, stationery shopping is my top priority for Back-to-School shopping. Err.. no more budget for the moment. Will wait for the last minute anyway ;)

Thursday, 7 August 2014

karaku stamp

About 10 days ago, I ordered two rubber stamps from Etsy. They've landed safely in my place this afternoon, sent by registered post. The name of the shop is Karaku, and the owner, Mayumi, is a very nice fellow. She sent a card and a packet of tissue paper (Hello Kitty) together with the package :)

These stamps would be very useful for the upcoming semester. I can use the timetable stamp to help my students in planning their schedule, as they have made appointment with me for academic counseling next week. Just stamp it on a piece of paper (or card) and fill the column with classes they plan to take. I can also stamp it on my agenda as well.

The other stamp is in a shape of a round clock. This would be useful for keeping track how many hours I have spent for particular work or activity. Since it has no number whatsoever, we could use it for other things. For instance, time management, shares or portions, pie chart, etc.