Friday 30 January 2015

moleskine template

Since I already have a hobonichi techo and a huge A5 filofax, I wonder whether I need a pocket weekly moleskine. I've been using the weekly notebook moleskine for the last few years and -honestly- it kinda suits me. It's small enough to be carried around everyday, it's sturdy, hard covered (I prefer this one instead of the soft one), simple and still have some room to write down things to be remembered, tasks, password hints, grocery list, etc. I love the layout of week's appointments on the left side and ruled page on the right side. So I -helplessly- bought one in a local store here. However, the price has gone up from last year's due to stronger US dollar against our currency. Pffttt.. Anyway, it motivates me to use it to the max.

In addition to use and hack the moleskine, there's a possibility to add (paste) a template. All we have to do is download the templates (according to the size of our planner), print, cut and paste it on any page we want. We have to sign up first, but it's also simple.. just fill in the form (name, email, password, country) and once you log in, you're all set.


  1. Mbaa,,nanya duunks,,beli hobonichi dimana di indonesia

  2. Diona, di Indonesia belum ada yang jual Hobonichi. Hobonichi techo bisa dibeli langsung website resminya
    Saya dulu juga beli langsung di website itu. Kalo sekarang mau beli, nanggung.. Biasanya bulan September mereka udah mulai jual untuk edisi tahun depan. Harga planner-nya 2160 Yen (versi Jepang) atau 2700 Yen (versi English). Harga covernya yang paling murah (warna polos) 1620 Yen. Ditambah shipping dan handling fee sekitar 1500 Yen. Kalikan aja 1 Yen sekitar Rp.110. Kalau ada yang kurang jelas atau mau ditanya2 lagi, silakan ya...

  3. toko real nya blm ada ya mbak... pantesan muter2 dikota saya cari ndak ada :(

    1. Belum ada, mbak Adjeng. Kalo di Jepang, dijualnya di Loft. Kalo ada teman yang ke Jepang, mungkin bisa nitip. Kalo di instagram biasanya ada yang jualan atau open PO gitu, tapi harganya jadi (jauh) lebih mahal. Beli langsung ke websitenya nggak susah koq.. tapi memang musti pake kartu kredit.

    2. Maksudnya Hobonichi kan, yang belum ada tokonya? Kalo moleskine ada di Gramedia yang besar.
