Monday 4 July 2016

hello july

I'm preparing myself to be a student (again). This time for higher degree. I hope everything will be okay. Anyway, it's now quite near-end of ramadan (fasting month), and I kinda need a mood booster.

So I just overspent on Pan Am series of Midori Traveler's Notebook. I know I'm late. Waay too late. I used to have a kinda defense mechanism that I won't need it at all. It's not my thing. It's not THAT cool. But apparently, after months and months away, I couldn't get it out of my mind. I went crazy to get almost all of the complete collection. The blue leather cover, the notebook refill, the stickers, and the pen.

Yes, I had to get it. So it's done. And I have no money left. How will I survive for this month? I don't know. I'm scared.

Let's see how will I be able to manage this blog again.


  1. Hi,kak.
    First, I want you to know how happy I am when I actually find this blog. It's such a great thing knowing there's someone out there who LOVES stationery as you do. Entah kenapa susah banget nemu postingan blog asal Indonesia yang semacam ini. Anyway recently I've just finished stalking your blog posts and I really wish you will keep on blogging ( and oftenly hehehe). Oh, and if I may give my humble opinion, could you please tell the price of each products that you buyon your haul posts? That would help a lot.
    That's it. Sorry for rambling, I really appreciate and support your blog.

    Love, Planxiety 101.

    1. Hi Planxiety101.. thank you for your comments. Terima kasih juga udah stalking2 hahaha.. I take that as a compliments, as it encourages me to blog more. Sure, I will try to share how much I spent on the haul post. To start with, this Pan Am series of Traveler's Notebook. The blue leather cover cost me about 1.3 million rupiah (around USD 100), the mini pen about 500K rupiah the notebook refills and the stickers sets are around 130K each. In total I spent about 2,5 million. All I bought from local online shop. Then as I didn't find the zipper pocket from that seller, I went to search on ebay. I finally had it for USD 38 (plus USD 30 for shipping cost). To be honest, it's a bit too much, but I'm aware that I had no choice. Those Pan Am things are collectibles. Do you blog? I would love to have a visit. Again, thank you for your support and see ya..

    2. sorry for the late reply.

      Wow! You spent pretty much for that. Guess my dad's right. It's such an expensive hobby for some cases ( not mine since I'm just a student with low budget for stationery and planner supplies haha, so I always try to find the best offer)

      Aku baca post kakak ttg toko ABC. Kebetulan aku sering ke Bogor but I've never been there before. Toko favorit ku di jl. surken itu toko AA. Bessaaar banget ini tokonya. Kalau toko salemba di deket stasiun Bogor tau kak? Sebelah PGB banget. Di jalan itu juga banyak toko buku&alat tulis vintage gitu.

      Soal blog, I'm actually planning to but still try to find my writing style. So I haven't post anything yet :D


    3. Waaah.. terima kasih banyak untuk infonya. Udah lama aku nggak ke Bogor. Next time ke Bogor, kayaknya musti ke toko buku Salemba dan AA seperti yang kamu recommend itu.

      At first I was setting my budget very low for my stationery shopping. Tapi kadang 'terpaksa' overbudget untuk beberapa hal yang menurut aku adalah barang koleksi. Pan Am series itu sebenernya termasuk kebangetan kalapnya. Waktu aku ke Hong Kong, harga cover Traveler Notebook sebenarnya 'cuma' HKD 350 atau setara Rp.600 ribu. Tapi yaa.. nggak ada yang warna biru limited edition. Lagipula aku udah puasa nggak beli stationery selama 4 bulan (Februari-Mei 2016), jadi kemarenan itu sempat menggila. Hiks..

      See ya around, Planxiety.. lotsa love.

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