Friday, 9 October 2015

purple moleskine and others in fuschia

I overspent my budget this month. Not a good thing to do, but I need to have these things. I mean, I have my reason. Listen, all of these things have one thing in common. They're in fuchia-pink-purple color scheme! Well, not good enough for a reason. Okay, I need to replace my tote bag because the handle of my old one has torn apart. Besides, I like this flippy floppy tote and its price is quite reasonable, Rp.159.000,-
Then, there's this moleskine. Of course I have to buy this planner sooner or later. It's for 2016. Though it was quite expensive, it was hard to resist the color, which I never found for the past few years here. So, I had to let go Rp.220.000,- for it.
The rest of my acquisitions are key clip and cable/cord wrap. They're not so expensive, around Rp.40.000,- each. If you're wondering where I bought those stuff, you can find it in Kinokuniya Plaza Senayan. Apart from the tote bag which only left one in orange, the other stuff are still available in stock.

Sunday, 23 August 2015


Oleh-oleh hasil pelatihan minggu lalu nggak cuma dapet ilmu rancangan pemelajaran plus bonus flashdisk 16gb aja. Tapi juga dapet temen baru, info pesen barang2 murmer, sharing bikin blog & cerita2 lucu, ide tempat flashdisk (see previous post) dan upaya fokus kerja. I learned about pomodoro technique after I saw pak Akhmad from Industrial Engineering dept worked in 25 minutes chunks. Beberapa temen ada yang bilang, mereka prefer kerja berdasarkan mood. Kalo mood-nya lagi pengen kerja, they can work for hours. Tapi kalo lagi nggak pengen kerja, ya nggak bisa dipaksain. Well, okay.. maybe this thing isn't for everybody.. but it might be suitable for routine task, project and especially deadlines related job. Kalo nungguin mood, padahal udah deadline banget gimanaaa? Para mahasiswa yang ngerjain tugas makalah atau belajar buat ujian besok, bisa coba teknik pomodoro ini. So I tried it out. Beberapa hari yang lalu, udah deadline banget deh satu kerjaan. Awalnya sih, banyak rada2 bingung nggak jelas, maksain kerja disaat otak masih macet. Tapi setelah itu, lumayan asik juga. Akhirnya gue merasa ada energi dan dorongan untuk kerja. Entah apakah ini beginner's luck, euphoria, atau emang beneran begitu.

Dari hasil googling di internet, teknik pomodoro adalah manajemen waktu yang dikembangkan oleh Francesco Cirillo. Kata pomodoro dalam bahasa Itali berarti tomat. Sepertinya, istilah itu merujuk pada kitchen timer yang berbentuk buah tomat. Teknik ini membagi waktu bekerja dalam porsi tertentu. Default pembagiannya, setiap 25 menit bekerja, beristirahat 5 menit. Begitu terus sampai 4x, lalu dapat istirahat lebih panjang. Ini sesuai dengan infographic Work Smarter, Not Harder di artikel Lifehack yang ditulis Anthony Dejolde.

Supaya disiplin dalam pembagian waktu itu, kita perlu kitchen timer (pomodoro). Hari gini, kalo mau praktis, bisa install aplikasi di smartphone. Biar tuh smartphone ada guna dikit. Di play store Android, ada beberapa apps yang bisa dipilih. For me, I installed the simplest pomodoro. Jadi, ayo deh, kerja lagi. Semangaat !

PS. For more explanation about pomodoro technique, there's a reference link in wikipedia which I think quite good for further reading. It's a paper of Francesco Cirillo about his famous pomodoro technique.

Friday, 14 August 2015

flashdisk box

I was on a teachers' training for this whole week. What I meant teachers here are lecturers / professors of the university. I met some nice fellow lecturers from other disciplines and faculties. Actually, I was very lucky to be in a group full of happy, cheerful people. Lots of serious discussion, of course.. but lots of laughters too. 

Anyway, two of them have tin box full of flashdisks (USB flashdrives). I was amaaazed to see how they neatly store their flashdisk. I usually just have 2-3 with me everyday, and I dump them on my pencil case. On the picture, the box on the left belongs to mbak Titin. Most of those flashdisks have keychains to identify them. The box on the right belongs to mbak Delly. Her flashdisks are neatly organized.

Oohh.. now I have to get a sturdy case like what they have. Yes, I want one. Yes, a tin case will be nice. Yes, I want my flashdisks to be well kept. Thank you for this superb idea, mbak Delly and mbak Titin.

Sunday, 9 August 2015

stationery sorting

I spend my weekend sorting my stationery. I bought some plastic storage containers few weeks ago, so this is how it went. On the left, is a bin for washi tapes, deco rush and embossing tapes (dymo). On the right, is the one for stamps thingy.. rubber stamps, clear polymer stamps, stamp pads, and inks. Not shown here, are bins for daily stationery (pens, pencils, erasers, scissors, colourings, etc.), paper  based (notepads, loose leafs, sticky notes, stickers) and lunch box related (lunch box, sections, portable cutlery, etc.). Gosh.. those are lots of things there. I mean, A LOT !! I think I need to stop for a while. Let say, no spend for August? Let's see...

Thursday, 30 July 2015

washi now or later

《screen shot website panmomo

Baru juga berapa hari muncul, tau2 udah pada abis aja gitu, washi tapes yang bagus2 di panmomo? Gosh.. Perhaps I should be quicker to get those things. Musti cepet bertindak, beli sekarang atau risikonya nggak kebagian.

Emang sih, kemaren udah beli juga sebagian.. tapi belum semua yang lucu2 juga. Huuwwaaa... ya udahlahyaaaa.. mungkin belum beruntung. Lagian, belum semuanya dipake kaaaan? Masih banyak yang belum di-review juga.. hihihi...


pen organizer

This pen organizer is too cute to be missed out. It's bright pink, in the shape of oven stove. 

On top, there are hole for pen organizer (pen holder) and another shallow one for paper clips. You can also place some other desk tidbits on its drawer.

Well, there are lots of things  in my desk which can make me happy all day, and this should be one of them. What about you? Tell me about all the cute things in your office desk.

polkadot washi tape

I am clearing my desk in my office and I just realized that I have these polkadot washi tapes. Most of them are generic washi, so I'm not so fancy to discuss about their quality or some sort. Bought them through Panmomo site, reasonable price.. 

However, the one laid down (the green one) is the Scotch 3M. The Scotch washi tapes are available in major bookstores such as Gramedia and Toko Gunung Agung.

Monday, 27 July 2015

totoro pencil case

I just won the bid on ebay for this Totoro pencil case.
Yaaayy.. I really can't wait to have it !!
I didn't manage to visit Studio Ghibli in Japan.. so I didn't make it to get many Totoro stuff.
This pencil case is cute enough to make me happy.
See you soon..

back to school 2015

Lebaran udah selesai. Bentar lagi udah waktunya kembali ke sekolah atau kuliah kan? Setiap hari kalo lewat depan Gramed Margonda Depok, pengennya mampir. Apalagi pas lihat ada signage Back to School gede banget dan tas Jansport berjejer warna warni. Tapi takut tergoda untuk beli ini itu, padahal duit tiris. Takut tiba-tiba kalap dengan alasan back to school. Padahal kan yaaa...

Kalo mau tau stationery apa yang musti disiapin, bisa dibaca di postingan persiapan kuliah ya. Nah, selain persiapan alat tulis, materi akademik juga musti disiapin dong. Kebiasaan anak sekarang adalah males nyatet. Seolah-olah pen and paper udah primitif. Semua dicatet di laptop, tablet atau handphone. Ada juga yang ngerekam ceramah dosennya di handphone. Well, bad news for those who gonna take my class.. No laptop or tablet on the table. Semua musti catat pakai kertas dan bolpen / pensil. Tulisannya jelek? Belajar! Emangnya waktu SD sekip, nggak diajarin nulis? Sebenernya di setiap kuliah bakal dibagikan handout materi kuliah juga. Jadi, cukup yang penting-penting aja yang dicatat. Trus, semua jadwal (katanyaaa..) udah dicatet di henpon. Tapi, tetep aja ada yang salah jadwal pas presentasi. Hadddeeeeuhhh.. (-_-")

Udah deh, gini aja. Let me give you this printable weekly planner. Semua dicatet di planner itu. Satu semester kan biasanya "cuma" 16 minggu, jadi gampang keep track-nya. Kalo di-print bolak balik, paling cuma 4 lembar. Planner ini berguna untuk reminder sekelompok ama siapa di kelas apa, presentasi sama siapa, kapan jadi pembahas, kapan jadwal bimbingan, kapan kerja kelompok, deadline tugas, dan sebagainya. Oiya, weekly planner ini juga bisa dipakai oleh rekan-rekan dosen juga lho. Apalagi yang tipe pelupa macam saya ini. Kalau ada saran untuk variasi atau revisi bentuk plenner ini, ditunggu komentarnya yaaa... Terima kasih.

Sunday, 26 July 2015

panmomo again

Setelah sekian lama absen ngga belanja di panmomo, baru-baru ini akhirnya order lagi. Itupun abis ngecek kondisi dompet yang masih mengijinkan. Tau kaan.. pas banget menjelang masa krisis tanggung bulan, plus takut kalap hehehehe..

Seperti biasa, pelayanannya cepet. Tapi kali ini super cepet banget. Ibaratnya, kemarin pesen + bayar, hari ini barang udah nyampe. Mantep banget. These are what I bought.

Sticky note ini berbentuk induk hewan dan anaknya. Soooo cuuute.. Pilihannya ada gambar singa, beruang kutub, pinguin dan koala. Harga satuannya sekitar Rp 7 ribu.. Nggak mahal lah untuk benda lucu macam ini. Nah, kalo beli sekaligus 1 set isi 4 macem itu, harganya jadi Rp 24 ribu (hemat Rp. 4 ribu). Aaaahhh.. kebetulan banget. Emang nggak bisa milih mau beli yang mana, semua lucu.. Yaudah deh beli semuanya aja hihihi...

Panmomo lagi banyak sticker lucu. Huhuhuu... bingung deh milihnya. Si Momoi yang lucunya kebangetan itu juga masih ada. Kalo diturutin, pasti pengen beli lagi, beli lagi. Jadinya, beli sticker Molang versi 1 dan versi 2 aja, karena si hamster gendut bernama Molang itu emang susah ditolak hahaha.. Oh iya, sama sticker Bungirl, si cewek lucu berkonde cepol yang lucu juga tampangnya. Pas buat diary yang isinya rada-rada romantis tapi konyol. Berhubung harga satuannya Rp 20 ribu, jadi ya udah dong yaaaa.. cukup 3 macem ini aja.

Notepad Scheduler
Benda berikutnya yang dibeli adalah 1 set square notepad (isi 3 macem) dan 1 daily notepad. Notepad berbentuk bujur sangkar seukuran (gede dikit dari) telapak tangan ini, ada yang untuk mencatat jadwal/rencana bulanan, mingguan, dan checklist sederhana. Harga satuannya Rp 10 ribu, tapi kalo beli 1 set, jadi Rp 25 ribu (hemat Rp 5 ribu). 

Notepad yang bulanan sebenernya agak aneh menurut saya.. garis-garis tebal dan terputusnya terbalik penempatannya. Nggak tau apakah semua cetakannya seperti itu atau saya aja yang pas dapetnya begitu. Anyway, I still can do something about it. Sebungkus notepad itu berisi 60 lembar.. lumayan deh, bisa buat 5 tahun, atau dibagi-bagi ke temen-temen.

Notepad yang weekly plan, bisa dipakai untuk nyatet jadwal sekolah/kuliah, reminder ada PR atau tugas apa aja. Bisa juga buat meal planer untuk ngerencanain menu makan seminggu, trus dibawa di dompet waktu belanja ke pasar. Jadi kan bisa sekaligus inget mau belanja bahan makanan apa aja. 

Kalo yang checklist sih, nggak usah dibahas 'kali. Kolomnya ada tanggal, deskripsi / content dan buat checking kalo udah selesai dikerjakan. Pas juga buat nyatet daftar belanjaan, daftar kerjaan, dll. 

Last but not least, adalah daily scheduler notepad. Berguna banget buat catatan pas lagi sibuk banget di sekolah atau di tempat kerja. Bagian bawahnya ada kolom kosong yang cukupan buat catetan rapat. Harganya Rp 16 ribu. Masih reasonable lah.

Masalahnya adalah.. barusan iseng lihat website panmomo lagi, daaaaannn... ada banyak washi tape baru. Nooooo... what am I supposed to do now? Huwaaaaa....

Saturday, 11 July 2015

sakura gel

Few months ago, I bought some gel pens of Sakura. I would actually bought the ordinary gel pens.. but I was in a hurry that I didn't realize some of them were different type. Each type has its own uniqueness. Click on the link as follows for more infos. From the top, it's Soufflé gel pen, Gelly Roll Metallic and the rest are Gelly Roll Silver Shadow

Monday, 6 July 2015

Pilot ballpoint pen

Another classic Pilot ballpoint pen. In my days of junior high school, I have exactly the same pen, the green one. I'm not sure if they still continue to sell this. For sure it's getting more and more difficult to find. 

uni-ball style-fit monster university

These days, it's really hard for me to show my loyalty to only one type / brand of pen. I have to say, each of them have at least one interesting fact to share. This time, it's Uni-ball.

Here's the story. When I ordered the Japanese version of hobonichi techo 2015, they sent the agenda along with a silicone tissue holder and a multi-color pen as bonus. At first I thought it's just an ordinary pen. I was wrong. The pen is amazing.. the ink flows so smoothly, feels so light, and you'll have effortless writing experience. I was wondering, what the brand of this multi-pen anyway... So, after looking for a clue, I found the word "uni" on the barrel. I rushed into a bookstore to check if they have the same thing. And yes, so bought a Uni-ball Jetstream multipen. And this multipen has mechanical pencil as well. Superbe.

Well yeah, it was a great pen. No doubt about it. But they also have customized option. You can choose the body and what ink you want to have with. That what they call Style-Fit. So this time, I bought a limited edition of Monster University set. The body is soooo cute and pink. Then I choose 3 unsual colours to go along with. You can have any composition you like. Gel ink, normal ink, mechanical pencil.. any jetstream refill available. The setting-up is also very easy as you can see on the picture.
(1) Twist the pipe of the refill and pull aside.
(2) Take the pen refill out of the pipe.
(3) Insert the refill into the body of the pen until it clicks.

Don't throw away the pipe of pen refill yet. When you don't use one colour much often or you just want to switch one of the colour, just swap it, and you can securely put the other remaining refill into its pipe. This way, you can have as many combination you like and you don't have to wait until one colour run out to change it. Nice.

Saturday, 4 July 2015


Hi there,

Am deeply sorry for this long pause. Haven't got time to update this blog for the past few months. La honte.. what a shame. However, I acquired many MANY things related to stationery, school stuff, cool stores and lunch box thingy. My friends are now aware about my interest in stationery as well. So, from time to time, they offered me some nice little things too. Oh, and I just got back from a short visit to Japan, where I got crazy with all of the stationery. Well, I actually have lots of story to tell and infos to share, huh?

Please bear with me guys.. I can see couple of weeks free ahead me. I will try to catch up with all of those things, ok. Thank you so much for visiting this blog. Comments are welcome. See ya..

Thursday, 5 February 2015


I love stationery. I love all kinds of writing instruments. I also love handwriting. I know, typing is faster. I also aware that I won't have this blog if I refuse to type on my laptop. But I still love to write using pen or pencil. Well, life goes on. We keep moving forward. Anyway, in some cases, handwriting is good for us. Especially when we learn about something or to memorize better.

Here I share some links to articles about handwriting. After this, perhaps you'll find something interesting about handwriting...

- Handwriting vs Typing on The Guardian
- National Handwriting Day on IBT
- Is Writing Notes by Hand Better Than Typing? on VOA News
- Don't Take Notes with a Laptop on Scientific American
- Why Using Pen and Paper, Not Laptops, Boosts Memory on Medical Daily

Saturday, 31 January 2015

first stamp

As promised on my (waaay) previous post, here goes the picture of my first stamp. 
Yes, I managed to find it in my parents' house. 
Sooo.. happy :)

encore panmomo

I always like to order cute stuff from panmomo. I think I have discussed about it many times in this blog. Couple of times, I didn't have a chance (no time, busy busy..) to share about things I bought from them. Anyway, these are things I bought recently.

Two roller stamps, a large mug, a box of sticker (can't get enough of this cute momoi) and two sets of rolled sticky notes (not washi !!).

Am Happy. As always.

classic ballpoint pen

Perhaps I can't move on... perhaps I got stuck in the past... Anyway, things from the past give me some kinda nostalgic experience, something we have forgotten, but actually those are very nice things we should appreciate more.

Few months ago, I found a Pilot ballpoint pen which turned to be subject of discussion with my colleague (also a stationery enthusiat). I believe that pen is out of production and not available on the market. I was wrong. It still can be found -though difficult- in some bookstore like Gramedia. What we miss was actually the Pilot classic knock ballpoint pen. I still recall having that pen when I was in primary school. My mom offered me as a gift for being top three in the class. It's no longer available.

Guess what, now I found it. The brand is not Pilot, unfortunately, but ZAi from Top pens. This pen is named Masterpen Solid. The model, the colour, almost everything look exactly the same like the one I used to have. Well, at least I can have it to ease the pain.. to bring me back to those happy days, great moments I took for granted.

Friday, 30 January 2015

moleskine template

Since I already have a hobonichi techo and a huge A5 filofax, I wonder whether I need a pocket weekly moleskine. I've been using the weekly notebook moleskine for the last few years and -honestly- it kinda suits me. It's small enough to be carried around everyday, it's sturdy, hard covered (I prefer this one instead of the soft one), simple and still have some room to write down things to be remembered, tasks, password hints, grocery list, etc. I love the layout of week's appointments on the left side and ruled page on the right side. So I -helplessly- bought one in a local store here. However, the price has gone up from last year's due to stronger US dollar against our currency. Pffttt.. Anyway, it motivates me to use it to the max.

In addition to use and hack the moleskine, there's a possibility to add (paste) a template. All we have to do is download the templates (according to the size of our planner), print, cut and paste it on any page we want. We have to sign up first, but it's also simple.. just fill in the form (name, email, password, country) and once you log in, you're all set.

Friday, 16 January 2015

flippy floppy tote bag

I love tote bags. I love its spirit to just "dump everything and go". A tote has to be simple, a big, spacious main compartment, just the right length of handle and has zipped closure. So it will closed neatly and I don't need to worry when all of my things fall out of the bag. I used to dream about le sac cabas of Vanessa Bruno, but they are too expensive for me. Even if I could afford to buy one, I still think 160-300 euros for a tote is too much for me. Besides, the cabas has no closure. So it's kinda minus point for me. 

The quest to find the right tote bag continues. About a year ago, I splurge a lot on LeSportsac everygirl tote bag. I didn't know what was on my mind. Though I must admit, that tote is lightweight, has spacious main compartment, and has zipped closure. I kinda like it. I could use it to have my things for campus or even some clothes for a weekend getaway. I spent too much on it just because the motif is the 'limited edition' of Disney It's a Small World Morocco prints. It's cute, it's rare, so I hate to bring it everyday as it's risky to get scratch or that kinda thing.

A couple of weeks ago, when I surfed Kinokuniya bookstore in Plaza Senayan, I spotted this simple tote bag. It's a Flippy Floppy bag. It's large enough for an A4 folder, yet quite slim to restrain me for dumping things. It has zipped closure and the price is only one tenth of sac cabas. There's another zipped (small) pocket inside --so small it can't fit my wallet; and a smooth lining. I love the colour and handle. The price is reasonable too. I believe this is a local product, though the tag said "designed in Singapore". Well, I think I have found the right tote for me. Yaaayyy..  

accessories for hobonichi

I've seen lots of review about hobonichi techo and its famous Tomoe River paper. However, I didn't see many article which discuss about the other lineup of hobonichi's accessories. When you bought the techo on their webshop, you may also buy the cute tidbits related (or not) to it. Those things such as the plastic cover (blank or patterned), frixion pens, address book, card pockets, and even weekly agenda to accompany the daily techo.

Here, I will share some infos about those things..

The layout of this notes / agenda / calendar is not in my top preference. A week in two pages, spread in horizontal from monday to sunday. Very narrow space for each day of the week, but enough vertical row to cover so many hours within a day. So I kinda like it to note my schedule. It's easy to jot down quick reminders or important meeting. It's slim enough to slip into your pocket, and convenience to be taken anywhere you like. The cover gives rather modest professional look. Only one colour (deep green) available. 

This thing is actually look like a basic photo album we had when we develop photo back in the 90's (sorry if some of you haven't even born yet). It has A6 size and may be slipped onto the inside cover of hobonichi. There are couple of slots for postcards and the rest are for business cards.

This small address book has the same size like weekly agenda. It's in Japanese, so I don't know what to write on those column. Guess I have to look for the translation on the internet.

Ho yeah I gotta have one set. I bought all 4 of them. This is also useful as ruler, trace some shape or number, icons, straight line, ripples, etc.

There are many other accessories to discuss here, but I think you better look on the website now.. Enuf said.

hello 2015

January.. the month every stationery aficionados wait for. This is the month when we show off our new planner, agenda, filofax, moleskine, hobonichi, anything you name it. Yes, we love to see each other's set up for this new year. Sometimes we gear up with new stationery set as well. There's always an excuse for new stationery, right?

So here goes my planner for this year. I have hobonichi techo with rose poudre cover, a uniball jetstream multipen (4 colour-pen & 1 mechanical pencil slot), and a weekly companion of hobonichi.

I'm so ready for 2015

Tuesday, 13 January 2015

clear stamps

When I start this blog, I didn't expect to get carried away with the stationery things.. machin truc et cetera. Well, I was wrong. The more I got involved to update my knowledge about various stationery, the more I got curious and need to fulfill the quest. The result wasn't good. I had to face some stressfull moment when my credit card bills got out of hand. I had to stop buying things from the internet. Especially nowadays, when the currency is not favorable at all for me to buy things in US dollar.

I must admit, I bought too many fancy things last year; mostly from ebay and etsy. I also bought from a couple of small businesses as well. For instance the stamps for planning things.

So far, the most talkabout items are stamps from Studio L2E and Sweet Stamp Shop. I have bought from both of them. I bought the plan series which I think very useful for filofaxing and hoboniching. Let me tell you, they quickly sold out. When the new series of plan by Sweet Stamp Shop and Iconic by Studio L2E were introduced, they only lasted less than 24 hours. Can you believe it? Thankfully, now they have pre-order option. Yes, it takes time to wait for the restock. But at least we got a chance to have them.

Oh, those stamps are clear stamps made of photopolymer. You need a simple acrylic block to use with the stamp. I'll show how to use it later, ok.


When we talk about stamp, there might be a bit of confusion. In English, stamp can be refer as postage stamp or rubber stamp for craft. So I label "stempel" for rubber stamp (and all stamps related to stationery, journaling and stuff)  in this blog.

I have my first stempel when I was still in elementary school (or junior high?). My dad gave one for me and one for my sis. Each of them has our name. I stamped all my books with it. I better look for it in my room.. I'll show you if I managed to find it. Finger crossed. (update : Yes, I have found it. See it here.)

Last month, my sis offered me a custom stamp for my birthday. I really love it. It has my name, phone number and email on it (I erased it on the picture here). Oh and yes.. that picture of me is on that stamp as well.


Hello stationery geeks,

Sorry for such a long silence. I've been loaded with lotsa thing in life and campus, so I barely have time to post something here. Pity.

Anyway, some people say picture tells much than words.. so I set up an account on instagram. At first, it supposed to drew crowd to visit this blog... but helas, after I snapped some pics, my hands were full. Please bear with me. I promise to find some time and get some stationery thingy here again.

For the meantime, here is the link :
Feel free to drop a comment or anything.

See yuh.